Book: I, Robot

I, Robot
Issac Asimov

This compilation of short stories is still as viable today as it was when originally written in the 1940's and 50's. The short stories revolving around the three laws of robotics, which many science fiction writers refer to when dealing with robotics as a subject, leads the way to many of Asimov's other Robot stories.

The establishing of the 3 Laws and how they can be circumvented by circumstances develops the evolution of the robot from simple automaton to humanoid companion.

Developments in this compilation ripple throughout all of Asimov's later Robot stories and other science fiction stories. They are applied and referred to in film (Alien) and televison (Star Trek: The Next Generation) to this day including the film (I, Robot) starring Will Smith which is more a stop-gap explanation of the space between the short stories and the next novel, which is the actual beginning to the Robot Series as a novel grouping.

Asimov presented his stories to his audience that neither went over the head of readers nor insulted their intelligence. It is solidly written with emotional context as well as being technical savvy. The technology was already in place to the characters, so explanations assume that basic knowledge of operation of technology was a normal occurance, the reader is invited to assume it works without the burden of why and how.

Solidly written and pertinent, even today, this book should be in every avid science fiction reader's library.

Movie: Equilibrium

Equilibrium (2002)
Christian Bale
Taye Diggs
Emily Watson
Sean Bean
In a '1984'esque world where art, creativity and expression are outlawed and emotions are controlled through mass-medication, a man searches for meaning in his life.

Given the job of seeking out those who choose the path of emotional turmoil that has led to a third world war, John deals with the conflicting information in his heart and mind and that which he has lived by for his whole life.

Action sequences that are amazing and inventive, considering the limited budget this movie was produced with, draw the eye and imagination. Characters are deliberately wooden, to accentuate the awakening inside John.

Sure to be a cult classic, worthy of drama and action fans, but not for everyone. Worth a rental

Movie: The Italian Job

The Italian Job (2003)
Mark Wahlberg
Charlize Theron
Donald Sutherland
A heist gone right turns wrong. Thieves turn on each other. It's formulaic and bit predictable at times, but there's Mini Coopers zipping all over the place, how can that suck?

The character interaction overcomes a sometimes flawed plot involving former friends doing mental battle over a safe full of stolen gold. Character relations are what drive this film. Lyle's (Seth Green of Buffy fame) commentary on Hansom Rob (the Transporter's Jason Statham) as he procures necessary materials is worth watching the whole movie for.

It's not big thrills, it's cinematic brain candy. Enjoy it.

Movie: The Incredibles


The Incredibles (2004)
Craig T. Nelson (voice)
Holly Hunter (voice)
Samuel L. Jackson (voice)
Jason Lee (voice)
Dominique Louis (voice)
It's a family movie, jokes for all ages.
It starts slow and some might be a bit bored that it is a family drama performed by cartoon characters, but the detail they go into both physically and psychologically is worth the time. But fear not: the pace picks up as the movie goes along and by the end there are explosions, smashed cars and even a few deaths along the way.

Details like including the crooked little mouth movements for ElastiGirl that mimic the voice actress Holly Hunter's own is a treat for those watching.

A family treat with enough action for the kids and enough inside jokes for the adults.

Even Johnny Depp liked it. Buy this one.

Movie: Thomas Crown Affair

Thomas Crown Affair

Thomas Crown Affair (1999)
Pierce Brosnan
Rene Russo
Denis Leary
Yet another romp into the background antics of professional thieves.

A fun, sexy, chase story revolving around a ruthless mergers and aquisitions man (Brosnan), a independant insurance investigator (Russo) and a cop (Leary).

The locales are amazing, the witty banter entertaining and the surround-sound put to good use without being overbearing. This one is a keeper for those who enjoy the genre.